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In this daily Bible reading the Prophet, Amos, speaks of God’s future judgment of several nations for their transgressions and acts of violence.  Amos also speaks of God’s coming judgments upon Israel for turning from God.  Amos wrote his prophecies during a period of prosperity and peace in Israel. Therefore, Amos’ words were probably not taken seriously.  Amos’ prophecy was likely rejected because the people were not motivated to change their ways and turn back to God. Why would they want to change? They were comfortable and prosperous. 

This situation exists in America today. People are living sinful lives and do not believe in God. They do not want to change, nor are they motivated to do so. Just as Israel rejected God’s Prophets, people today reject the Word of God. They do not want to hear any of God’s Truths. In fact, they cling to lies that will enable them to continue in sin, lies such as the Theory of Evolution. 

Believing in evolution removes God from the equation, and it removes accountability for personal sin. However, God exists. Not believing in God will not make Him go away. Not believing God’s Truths will not nullify them either. One day all people will be judged for what they believed and how they lived their lives. No one will escape God’s judgment.