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In this Psalm the Holy Spirit speaks through David about the future Kingdom of Jesus Christ. He says, “Thou wilt prolong the King’s life; His years will be as many generations. He will abide before God forever. Appoint lovingkindness and Truth that they may preserve Him.”

Jesus will be the best King the whole world has ever known. His rule will be characterized by lovingkindness and Truth.  Jesus will be merciful, and Truth will guide His decisions.

The Bible says that Jesus is the Truth. Therefore, there will no longer be falsehood, lies and deceptions that characterize many of the world’s rulers. People will be confident that Jesus is on solid ground and that His guidance will be sound. Knowing this, the people will be anxious to follow Jesus leadership, and they will be blessed when they do so.

The world will truly be a utopia. The world will be at peace. There will be no more illness. People will have families, and they will live long lives. The world under Jesus’ rule should be something we anticipate with hope and joy.