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In this Psalm, the Psalmist says, “He (God) will guide us unto death.” I believe that our lives on Earth provide a setting in which God teaches us, guides us, and prepares us for our Eternal Life with Him. It can be compared with attending a school that lasts our entire life.  As with any school there are two possible outcomes. We can pass or we can fail. Those who succeed are those who are receptive to God’s guidance and try to live their lives accordingly. The ones that fail are those who reject God’s guidance and teaching.

The benefits of passing and graduating from God’s school of life are tremendous. Passing means that one will receive an eternity of joy and happiness. On the other hand, those who fail will experience an eternity of misery and pain. There will not be a second chance to retake this course of life.

Therefore, we must strive to pass this school.   Realizing the benefits and consequences should provide ample motivation to succeed.