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In this daily reading, Ezekiel continues to describe the third Temple that will exist during Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom. The angel describing the Temple to Ezekiel defines the Sanctuary where the Lord will dwell. He also defines where the Prince will reside.  I believe that the Prince referenced here is David, Israel’s second King.

David was probably the best of Israel’s kings. He believed in and obeyed God and guided Israel to do the same.  God favored David.  The Bible says that God considered David to be ‘a man after God’s own heart.’

The Bible indicates that David will occupy a significant position of leadership during the Millennial Kingdom.  I believe that David will be next to Jesus in governing Jerusalem and Israel.

Both Jesus and David will lead with compassion and practice justice and righteousness.  The people that they govern will be those who survived the period of Great Tribulation.  They will be inclined to live rightly before God.  The world will be a great place to live.