In these passages the writer speaks again of understanding God’s Word. He writes, “I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know Thy testimonies.” Reading the Bible has no benefits unless it we understand what we read. We must understand what we read for the Bible to have any benefit in our lives.
How do we gain understanding? There are several ways. We can learn from others who have already gained understanding. I believe that is one of the primary functions of the Church. A church that believes the Bible is Truth should have a pastor who teaches the Bible to its members.
Another way to gain understanding is to listen to good Bible teachers. Good teachers are available through the Internet. One good example is ‘Through the Bible Radio’ which teaches the Bible over a five-year period. Its teacher, J Vernon McGee, is now deceased. However, his teaching has been preserved. He is an excellent teacher.
However, the best teacher is God’s Holy Spirit. If we pray to God for understanding, He will grant it to us as we read the Bible. However, we must believe that the Bible is true before we read it. Then, we will gain understanding from God’s Holy Spirit.