This Psalm continues to describe God’s marvelous creation. Focusing on the Earth the Psalmist writes, “The Earth is full of Thy possessions. There is the sea, great and broad in which swarm without numbers, animals both small and great.” The Psalmist then speaks of God providing for all the creatures saying, “They all wait for Thee to give them their food in due season.”
God provides nourishment for all creatures on the Earth. They don’t have to do anything but gather the food that God has provided. God knows what they need to survive, be healthy and reproduce. He does it all. It is truly miraculous what God has done and the processes He uses to sustain everything.
Mankind is unique in that mankind has the necessary skills and abilities to adapt to various environments on the Earth. While God has created various creatures for the varied environments, mankind has adapted to all of the environments. Man can adapt using God’s resources to provide the food and shelter required to live. That truly is amazing. It sets mankind apart from all creation.