In this daily Bible reading is the account of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, and his army capturing Jerusalem after laying siege to it for one year and eight months. Zedekiah, King of Jerusalem tried to escape with his officers and sons but was captured. The King of Babylon killed Zedekiah’s son’s while Zedekiah watched. He then blinded Zedekiah and took him prisoner to Babylon. Then the King of Babylon gave orders to free Jeremiah from the prison where Zedekiah had placed him for speaking the Truth of God to the people. Apparently God had spoken to the King of Babylon, instructing him to free Jeremiah.
Prior to freeing, Jeremiah God told Jeremiah to speak to Ebed-Melech, the Ethiopian, who had previously saved Jeremiah’s life. Jeremiah told Ebed-Melech that God would rescue him because he had trusted in God. Ebed-Melech had protected Jeremiah from those who wanted to kill Jeremiah.
Trusting in God resulted in a Ebed-Melech’s survival. Trusting in God will result in our survival, both in this world and beyond. The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. It all ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Trusting God has the powerful effect of removing anxiety from our lives and appreciating God’s wonderful creation. We become content with our lives and give God the credit for the many blessings we receive. Furthermore, we are hopeful that God will grant us entry into Heaven after we die.