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In this daily Bible reading is the account of God continuing to instruct Moses regarding Israel’s required behavior. God told Moses the marital restrictions for priests. Priests were only allowed to marry virgins. They could not marry divorced women or widows. God required the priests to be pure before Him before they could offer sacrifices that would be acceptable to God.

God did not require His priests to be celibate. They could indeed have wives and families. The Roman Catholic Church does not allow its priests to be married. They must be celibate. This religious requirement is contrary to what the Bible teaches.

When things are done contrary to what God commands, bad things happen. Over the centuries the Catholic priests have sexually abused children who serve their religion. It has become a widespread scandal and has cost the Catholic religion much money in lawsuits. I believe that Satan has had a great influence in this religion, leading the priests to sin and be ineffective before God. I further believe that Satan will continue to do this.

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