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In this daily Bible reading God speaks to Moses regarding the identification and treatment of people with leprosy. Leprosy seemed to be a common and widespread disease during the time of the Exodus. It was also common during Jesus’ ministry on the earth. It is not so common today, but we have many other diseases with which to contend. I believe that people were afflicted with leprosy because of the sin in their lives.

Once people are aware of God’s rules of right and wrong, I believe they then are accountable for their choices and behavior. When they do wrong or go against God’s rules, they have committed a sin. The Bible says that sin will be judged.

I believe that diseases and afflictions are forms of punishment for sin. Because of Jesus, we may be forgiven for our sins, meaning that the sins for which we repent will not keep us out of Heaven. However, we will still be punished for our sins while we are alive here on the Earth.

The Apostle Paul worked for God and did many good things. However, on one occasion he was stoned, just as he had approved the stoning of St. Stephen. I believe that frequently the sins we commit will be returned to us ‘in kind.’ That is certainly worth considering when we are tempted to sin.

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