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In this daily Bible reading Paul tells the Corinthian Church that if a person desires to do good, then they should do it, even though there may be difficulties or disruptions to their life. God urges us to do right and good things, things that may not be convenient for our current life. We should listen to God’s urging and strive to obey His voice. The Bible says that ‘whatever we do we should do it as unto the Lord.’ We should do it diligently. 

I believe that God will help us in any endeavor that He motivates. Our task is to be discerning and realize when it is God that is urging us on. I think we will know it at the depth of our soul, but I also think that we must test everything in light of Scripture. We must not do anything that is contrary to the Word of God, no matter how much we want to do it.

Satan is real and he is very effective in his attempts to deceive people. Deception can be very powerful. Something may seem right, feel right, and we may strongly desire it to be right.  However,  if it is contrary to what the Bible tells us, it is wrong. We must not do it. We should be diligent in doing God’s work, but we should also be discerning to know if something is from God or from Satan.