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In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John continues to see the Trumpet Judgments of God, which are coming to the Earth. When the fifth trumpet sounds, a bottomless pit will be opened. Locust-like creatures will be released to torment people for five months. They will not kill, but they will make people suffer for their sins. This torment will be so great that those afflicted will seek to die but will not succeed. The Bible says that those who remain loyal to God will not be tormented.

 When the sixth trumpet sounds, four powerful angels will be released to kill one-third of all mankind. Their instrument of death is described as an army of 200 million which will cause ‘fire, smoke, and brimstone.’ I believe this describes a nuclear war that will kill one-third of the Earth’s population. 

However, even with this massive destruction, the rest of mankind who survive will not repent of their sins and will not seek God. They will continue in their sins and cling to their focus on worldly things. They seem to be beyond repair. 

God will cleanse the Earth of those who will not repent. The Bible says that those who are saved will be those who ‘endure in their Faith until the end,’ even unto death.