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In this daily Bible reading John is given a vision of the seven Trumpet Judgments of God. Jesus breaks the seventh seal of the book God was holding.  Heaven was silent for about half an hour. Then the Trumpet Judgments began.

When the first trumpet sounded, hail and was thrown down to the Earth, and one-third of the people on Earth were killed. One-third of the Earth was burned. When the second trumpet sounded, one-third of the sea became blood. One-third of the sea creatures were killed. Also, one-third of all ships were destroyed. When the third trumpet sounded a great asteroid fell on the earth. One-third of all rivers and springs became polluted. Many people died from drinking the contaminated waters. When the fourth trumpet sounded the sun, moon, and stars were darkened. Their intensity was reduced by one-third. 

In these visions, John was given a glimpse of Earth’s destruction during the end times, the final 3 ½ years before Jesus returns to the Earth. The Bible calls this time a period of great destruction and tribulation unlike anything previously experienced on the Earth. This will be God’s method of purging evil from the Earth and preparing the Earth for Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom. 

I believe this terrible time will come very soon, within the next 10 to 15 years. There is not much time remaining to turn away from sin and to believe in Jesus Christ. If you do not yet believe in Jesus, I suggest you pray that God will enable you to believe.