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In this daily Bible reading Jesus tells John of two more Churches that needed improvement in certain areas. The Church in Thyatira was being faithful and helping others. However, they also tolerated Church members that retained their sinful behavior and led other Church members astray. This Church did not confront these members and insist that they change their ways in order to remain within the Church. 

The Church must ‘weed its own garden’ so to speak and not tolerate sinful behavior. It is difficult and uncomfortable to confront a Church member who is behaving inappropriately, but it must be done. The Bible gives clear guidance on how to proceed in this delicate situation. Such a person must be confronted by two or three Church members. If they will not change their ways, then they must be removed from the Church. Otherwise, they may infect the entire Church.

Jesus also spoke of the Church in Sardis that appeared to be a Church, but it was not. Jesus saw that this Church was dead. It needed to ‘wake up’ and do the right things. Evidently, this Church was not being a true light to the world around it. It was not actively promoting the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and strengthening its members. Jesus expects His Church to be active and not merely exist.