In this Psalm David expresses his despair and anguish because of hardships that were occurring in his life. He reached out to God to save him from destruction. David characterized his plight as sinking into deep mud. David said, “I have sunk in deep mire and there is no foothold.”
However, David realized that his pain and despair were the direct result of his own wrongdoings. David said, “O God it is Thou who dost know my folly. And my ways are not hidden from Thee… For thy sake I have born reproach.”
God greatly favored David. In fact, God characterized David as ‘a man after God’s own heart.’ However, David, like all of us, was prone to sin on occasion. God, like a good father, would discipline David for David’s sins.
The pain and discomfort in David’s life were due to David’s sinning. The pain and discomfort in any person’s life is likely due to the sins they commit.
It is a wise person who perceives this connection between hardship and sin. Those who perceive this connection are motived to resist temptations and avoid sinning. This will lead to less pain and more blessings in their lives.