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In this Psalm, David speaks of the unity of fellow believers. He says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.”

There is a special kinship among those who believe in Jesus Christ. Once you become a believer, you will be able to instantly recognize other believers. Amazingly, there will be an instant bond and trust between you and a fellow believer. It will be easy and pleasant to converse. More importantly, it will be easy and pleasant to talk about the Word of God, the Bible.

During discussions with other believers, you will strengthen each other’s Faith and belief. Both of you will grow in your Faith.

That is one of the purposes of the Church. Jesus formed His Church which He characterized as the ‘body of believers.’ These fellow believers strengthen each other for their challenging journey through life.

The world, which is spiritually ruled by Satan, hates believers. The world hates those who believe in Jesus. They will persecute and slander these believers. The unified church will be able to stand against this opposition and help its members endure on their journey through life.