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In these passages the psalmist writes the following: “Before I was afflicted, I went astray. But now I keep Thy Word.” He further writes, “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Thy Statutes.” When we become a child of God, God will guide us in a similar manner to our earthly father. When we do right, He will bless us.  However,  when we are disobedient, He will punish us. His punishment will motivate us to walk rightly before Him.

Additionally, when God afflicts us, we are motivated to read and understand God’s Word, so that we will know how God wants us to live. We will learn how to live. We will also learn God’s Truths in all matters. Then, we will gain an understanding of the world around us. We will also understand why many events occur around the world.

We will also understand future events described in the many prophecies in the Bible. When we gain such understanding, we will then be able to prepare ourselves and our families. More importantly, God will guide us along the pathway that leads to Heaven.