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This Proverb says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” This Proverb is one that I rely on frequently to help me through life, in good times and bad. Recalling this Proverb reminds me that God is in control. Nothing happens in my life without God causing it or allowing it to happen.

God created each of us, and He wants us to trust Him. God gives us guidance on how to live our lives through His Word, the Bible. The Bible tells us how to think, speak and act. Living by God’s Word will result in a good life. Living by God’s Word will result in a life filled with blessings and good things.

However, sometimes it is difficult to trust and have Faith in God. The Bible says that Satan has spiritual dominion in this world. Satan actively opposes God’s Word and leads people from God. Therefore, living by God’s word is contrary to many of the world’s values. Demonstrating Faith in God’s Word is frequently met with ridicule and persecution. However, we must trust in God and live by His Word if we want to stay on the path that leads to Heaven.

The Bible says that ‘without Faith it is impossible to please God.’ The Bible also says that ‘those who endure to the end will be saved.’ This Proverb will help us to endure. It is a Bible passage that we should memorize and recall frequently.