This Proverb says, “He who hates disguises it with his lips, but he lays up deceit in his heart. When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, for there are severe abominations in his heart. Though his hatred covers itself with guile, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.” This is another Proverb about a person whose words are not sincere. Their words are not consistent with their character. They are filled with hate and wickedness, but their words are pleasant and smooth.
Again, we must be discerning and observe the results of such a person’s actions. The results of this person’s actions will reveal the intentions of their heart.
Additionally, such a person’s words may seem pleasant, but they may be contrary to what the Bible teaches. For example, if we have a leader who advocates for abortion or homosexual marriage, they are not leading according to God’s Word. They may use words that suggest those who don’t support their position are being cruel and are intolerant.
This Proverb also says that in the end an evil person’s true character will be revealed to the masses. Their evil intentions will be exposed. Unfortunately, even with this exposure many will not condemn them. This is because the people may be aligned with the evil person’s character.
It is vital that we never let such evil people influence us to change our belief in God and His Word. We must persevere and cling to the Truth. We must endure to the end. If we do so, God will allow us into His Heavenly Kingdom after we die.