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This Proverb says, “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise son will be glad in him.” Having a child who grows to be a good adult, a person who walks rightly before God, will give a parent great joy. The parent of such a child will see their child make good choices that lead to success and happiness. They will witness their adult child solving their life challenges with wisdom, courage, and compassion. They can be confident that God will guide their adult child in the right way.

How does a parent beget a wise child? Producing a wise child is the result of a good home environment during their childhood. A child learns by example. The example parents set for the child will affect how they will live as an adult. The child will observe their parents’ actions and witness the results of their parents’ beliefs. A parent’s words will also have an impact. However, if a parent doesn’t practice what he or she preaches, their words will have little effect on the child’s future behavior.

Being a parent is a great responsibility. It is our duty as parents to train our children to become good adults. That takes wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. The Bible says, “By wisdom a house is built; by understanding it is established; through knowledge are its rooms filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” This wisdom, understanding, and knowledge only come from living one’s life according to the Word of God, the Bible. The Bible therefore must become the foundation of our lives.