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This Proverb says, “Do not let your heart envy sinners, but live in the fear of the Lord always. Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” As this Proverb indicates, we should not envy wealthy people who reject God and embrace the world’s values. Rather, we should focus on the things that have true value. We should put our trust and Faith in God and live our lives accordingly. Worldly possessions are temporary and will fade away. They will be of no value to an eternal existence.

As this Proverb indicates, there is a future for all of us. That future extends beyond our physical death. That future extends to eternity. Those who have trusted in God and lived by His Word will spend eternity with God in Heaven. They will receive treasures in Heaven which are far beyond any treasures that one might have acquired during their lives on Earth. We should therefore place our hope in God and on His promise for us rather than accumulating earthly possessions.

When we put our trust in God and follow His Word during our lives, God will also bless us with all the things we need. We will have plenty of possessions, not more or less than we need. We will live comfortable and blessed lives. More importantly, we will have a glorious eternity in Heaven.