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This Proverb says, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” In the days of Solomon, people who owed money to others could literally become enslaved to creditors. When they couldn’t repay their debt they sometimes worked for their debtors to repay the debt. In effect they became slaves.

Today we see people who are deep in debt. They owe money for cars, mortgages, and other items. They have credit cards with large balances. Therefore they must work to pay these debts. In a sense they are enslaved to their creditors. They cannot become free of their enslavement until their debts are paid.

On a spiritual level, all of mankind is prone to sin. Many people become enslaved to sin. They cannot stop sinning. Unfortunately, sinning leads to consequences. We must pay for our sins. We therefore become indebted to God.

Fortunately for us, God provided a way for our sins to be forgiven. He provided a way for all of our sin debt to be paid. Jesus Christ is that way. Jesus paid the debt for all of our sins when He died for us. However, we must believe in Jesus before God will consider our debt to be paid.