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This Proverb says, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of discipline will remove it far from him.” I’m sure you have heard the saying, “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” Children need to be disciplined so that their behavior may be changed for the better.

All children are naturally selfish. They have needs that the parents provide for them: food, shelter, comfort, and love. They are incapable of providing for these needs themselves. Unfortunately, this selfish nature does not naturally depart from them. They must receive guidance from their parents to change.

The most effective guidance is discipline. Some discipline is physical. Some are not. Some children will not change their poor behavior without being physically disciplined. They must be spanked. Other children may respond and change without being physically disciplined. No two children are alike.

When I grew up, spanking was a normal part of our early life. We were spanked when committing infractions against the family. We were spanked for disobeying our parents. We changed from being rude and selfish to being respectful and considerate of others.

I believe society was better served by children who grew up with such discipline. Children became productive and responsible adults who contributed to society. Unfortunately, physical discipline has dramatically diminished in our society. Many children now grow into undisciplined, self-serving and obnoxious adults. As a result, our society has significantly degraded. What a shame.