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This Proverb says, “Every man’s way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts.” What we do is important. The Bible says that we will be judged for our actions and deeds during in our lives. However, our motives behind those deeds are also important.

God’s most important commandment for us is to “Love the Lord with all your mind, with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul.” What is in our hearts is extremely important.

When Jesus was on the Earth, He condemned the religious leaders, the Pharisees, for their hypocrisy. They appeared to be righteous and holy. However, they were rotten to the core. They were frauds. They were not good people; and they used their positions of religious authority to hold people in bondage.

To avoid a similar condemnation we should examine our hearts when we contemplate an action. Because we are all prone to sin, we may justify doing something that we desire to do that may be questionable. On the surface, our deed may not appear to be wrong. However, at the inner core of our being, we will know that our deed is sinfully motivated. If that is the case, we must not proceed with our plan. If we proceed with a wrongly motivated deed, the deed will be considered a sin.