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This Proverb says, “When the scoffer is punished, the naive becomes wise; But when the wise is instructed, he receives knowledge.” A scoffer is one who ridicules the Word of God. A scoffer ridicules the Word of God because it doesn’t make sense to them. It is foolishness to them.

As the Proverb says, God will sometimes punish the scoffer. When this happens, acquaintances of the scoffer who are friends and relatives may take notice and link the scoffer’s words to hardships they may be enduring. Some of these friends and relatives may then give credence to God’s Word. They may then become wise in their thinking.

When these people become wise, they will link God’s Word to events that surround them. They will then begin to understand God’s Word. In so doing, they begin to live their lives according to God’s instructions.

Witnessing God’s apparent chastisement of those who ridicule the Bible may well provide motivation for others to live rightly before God.