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This Proverb says, “The fear of the Lord leads to life, so that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil.” To fear the Lord is a good thing for it keeps us on the right path.

When we were children we learned to fear our fathers. We knew that we would be disciplined when we broke the rules. This discipline was a deterrent to continuing to break the rules. We came to realize that our lives would be better when we followed the household rules. And they were.

God is our Heavenly father. He also wants us to follow His rules. He will also punish us when we break the rules. Therefore, we learn to follow them. Fear of God’s punishment becomes a deterrent to breaking the rules.

God’s rule rules for us are statutes that will keep us from sin. God is Holy, and He cannot abide with sin. God wants us to be with Him. However, we cannot be with him until we are free of sin.

Therefore, God provided a way for us to be free from sin. That way is Jesus Christ. Jesus died for us and paid the price for our sins. When we believe in Jesus our sins are forgiven. God will then consider us to be free of sin. We will then be allowed to live with God for all eternity in Heaven. That is indeed good news.