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These passages contain two Proverbs. The first Proverb says, “Wisdom is in the presence of the one who has understanding, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the Earth.”

The Bible says that a person who believes in God and lives their life according to God’s Word understands the world around them. They understand what is important and what is not important. Therefore, they focus on and direct their efforts to things that matter. They focus on making good decisions and living a life that will please God.

A fool, on the other hand, does not believe in God or live by the Word of God. Therefore, a fool does not understand the world around them. They do not recognize what is Truth and what is not Truth. Therefore, they cannot perceive what is important and what is not important. Accordingly, they are not able to direct or focus their efforts on things that matter. Such people are controlled by their emotions and follow their whims. As a result, they create a pathway of destruction for themselves and others.

The second Proverb says, “A foolish son is a grief to his father and bitterness to her who bore him.” Having a foolish child is a painful experience for any parent. A child who rejects God and God’s Word makes bad decisions. As a result, they manage their lives poorly. They are likely to be a financial burden to their parents well into adulthood. Additionally, a foolish child’s bad reputation reflects poorly on their parents.

I believe that parents should teach their children to obey God early in their lives. Parents should also set good examples for their children by the lives they lead.

I believe that children with such parents will be more likely to believe in God and live by God’s Word. They will be less likely to live foolishly as adults.