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These passages contain two Proverbs. The first Proverb says, “Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly.” A bear robbed of her cubs is very dangerous. People have been attacked and killed when they surprised to bear in the wilderness who had cubs with her. She became very protective of her cubs and attacked anything that posed a threat. That is a very real physical danger.

However, a fool or person who doesn’t believe in God poses a far worse danger. They pose a spiritual danger when they think, speak and act contrary to the Word of God. A fool may well lead an unsuspecting person away from belief in God. When this happens it leads a person down a path that may result in spiritual death and spending eternity in Hell. That is far worse than physical death.

The second Proverb says, “He who returns evil for good, evil will not depart from his house.” God is good. His Word is good. Those who mock the Word of God are foolish and are on a pathway of spiritual destruction.

Rejecting God and His Word is the same as returning evil for good. Those who do so are embracing evil, and evil will not depart from them. Unfortunately, such an existence will lead a person to spiritual death and separation from God for all eternity.