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This Proverb says, “The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom, and before honor comes humility.”

King Solomon had more wisdom than any person on the Earth. Solomon knew that his wisdom came from God. He knew this because God spoke to Solomon when Solomon first became King of Israel. God asked Solomon what Solomon wished God to give to Solomon. Solomon responded to God saying that he wished for wisdom to rule Israel. Solomon was humble, realizing the awesome responsibility to be King of Israel.

God was pleased with Solomon’s request. God was pleased that Solomon did not ask for riches or the death of his enemies. Rather, Solomon was humble, realizing his shortcomings. Therefore, God granted Solomon his wish to become wise. God gave Solomon more wisdom than any other person on the Earth possessed. God also granted Solomon abundant riches and honor. Therefore, Solomon knew the truth of this Proverb on a personal basis.

The Bible says that God wants his people to be humble rather than prideful. God wants us to seek Him with humility and sincerity. God also wants us to live our lives in obedience to His Word. That is how we demonstrate our love for God. When we do this, God will bless us abundantly. More importantly, God may allow us to be with Him in Heaven for all eternity after we die.