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This Proverb says, “He whose ear listens to life giving reproof will dwell among the wise. He who neglects discipline despises himself, but he who listens to reproof acquires understanding.”

What does reproof mean? In a Biblical sense, reproof means chastising a person for the sins in their life. It means scolding or rebuking a person who has turned away from God for sinful pursuits.

Being rebuked or chastised for misbehaving is not a pleasant experience. We don’t like to be viewed or view ourselves as doing something wrong. Rather, we want approval from others. However, there are times when we need to realize the error of our ways. We need to have our eyes opened so that we do not continue down a destructive pathway.

Constructive reproof is rarely provided by a person unless that person loves and cares for the person they are reproving. Early in our lives, our parents provided such reproof because they loved us. As adults, such reproof may come from a friend or perhaps a spouse. Wherever it comes from, life giving reproof is that which is grounded in the Word of God. Such reproof comes from Jesus Christ, who is the living Word of God and loves us very much.

As this Proverb says, listening to or integrating such life giving reproof will give us wisdom and understanding. We will be motivated to change and turn away from sin in our lives. We will then be guided down the pathway that leads to Heaven.