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This Proverb says, “He who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is crooked in his ways despises Him.” The Bible says that those who are righteous fear the Lord. This is a good kind of fear because it provides motivation to walk rightly before God. A righteous person is motivated to live their lives according to God’s Word, the Bible. With this motivation a righteous person will turn from sin and resist difficult temptations that come their way. As a result, God blesses a righteous person, giving them a rich and full life.

On the other hand a person who is crooked or wicked resists belief in God. Such a person does not want to be constrained from their sinful behavior. They do not want to resist temptation. A wicked person actually despises any deity who would turn them from sin. They lack wisdom to see beyond the sins to the destruction that awaits them.

The Bible says that God will allow a wicked person to pursue sinful behavior for a while without consequences. As a result, they wrongly think there is no consequence for their sin. However, they have not read the following Bible passage: “When a wicked person sprouted up like grass, and all who did iniquity flourished, it was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.”

God is just, and He will rightly judge each one of us for our choices and behavior during our lives. The Bible says that only righteous people will be allowed into Heaven after they die. The wicked will be sent to Hell and misery forever. The right choice is clear. Choose righteousness.