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This Proverb says, “Good understanding produces favor, but the way of the treacherous is hard. Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool displays folly.”

What is knowledge? What is understanding? Knowledge is what we gain through observation and experience. Knowledge is assimilating the facts of the world around us. Understanding is accurately interpreting the knowledge we receive.

This Proverb indicates that a prudent person acts according to their observations. For example, they learn that uncontrolled anger can produce very bad results. Therefore, they learn to control their anger. A fool on the other hand acts in accordance with their emotions and fantasies. A fool will suffer for their folly.

This Proverb also indicates that having a good understanding of the world around us is quite beneficial. A person who understands the knowledge they receive will likely make good decisions in their life. Making good decisions produces good results. Such a person indeed finds favor in their life.

The Bible says that understanding is gained through believing in God and reading the Bible. There is no other way to gain true understanding. The Bible enables us to properly interpret the world around us. With the Bible as the foundation of our worldview, we will more likely make good decisions and follow the pathway that leads to Eternal Life.