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This Proverb says, “He who diligently seeks good, seeks favor, but he who searches after evil, it will come to him.”

The Bible says that we reap what we sow during our lives here on the Earth. If we live rightly before God, we will reap good things. God will bless us, and our lives will be filled with joy and prosperity. Our families will thrive, and God will protect us from bad things. We will have good health and long lives.

However, if we live our lives in disobedience to God, we will reap bad things. The evil we sow will return to us. The Bible says, “The one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption.” I believe that sexually transmitted diseases are an example of this.

The trouble or the challenge is that our natural desire is to sin. We have both physical and spiritual characteristics. God wants us to strengthen our spiritual side so that we can resist the temptations to sin. This is not easy. It takes effort.

To live rightly before God, we must know how God wants us to live. Therefore, we must read the Bible. God’s instructions for us are clearly stated in the Bible. The Bible must become our life-long companion. Then, we will know how God wants us to live. We will then be on the path that blesses us. More importantly, we will be on the path that leads to Heaven.