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This Proverb says, “The merciful man does himself good, but the cruel man does himself harm.”

There are some people in the world who are merciful to others. However, there are others who are cruel. The Bible says that we are to be merciful to others just as God is merciful towards us.

As sinful people we are deserving of God’s wrath. However God has not given us what we deserve. He has rather given us great mercy by providing a way for us to be forgiven of our sins. That way is Jesus Christ.

The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” When we believe in Jesus and put our trust in Him, God forgives us for our sins. God then transforms us into people that He will allow into Heaven one day. We are transformed from being selfish and cruel to being people who are merciful toward others. We are enabled to forgive others of their transgressions toward us as God forgives us of our transgressions.

If we continue on God’s transforming pathway, we will one day be allowed into Heaven and be with God forever.