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This Proverb says, “The tongue of the righteous is as choice silver, the heart of the wicked is worth little. The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of understanding.”

The righteous live their lives according to the Word of God. Therefore, the words they speak to others are grounded in God’s wisdom. As a result, they are valuable to the well-being of the people who hear them.

However, the thoughts and words of wicked people are worthless. They do not provide any benefit to others. It is likely that the words from a person with an evil heart will damage others.

This Proverb also indicates that the words of a righteous person feed many. A righteous person’s words that are influenced by God’s Word provide spiritual nourishment to the people that hear them. A righteous person’s words will sustain, guide, and encourage others to walk rightly before God. This spiritual nourishment gives spiritual life to those who hear them.

However, a fool who doesn’t believe in God and rejects God’s guidance will not understand a righteous person’s words of wisdom. A fool will reject spiritual nourishment. As a result they will die spiritually.