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In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus becoming famous for His healing powers. Crowds were gathering around Jesus, and people were coming to Him to be healed.

On one occasion a woman in the crowd had a hemorrhage that she had suffered with for 12 years. She believed that if she could just touch Jesus’ cloak she would be healed. So, She touched Jesus’ cloak and was instantly healed. Jesus turned to her and said: “Daughter, take courage; your Faith has made you well.”

Later, when Jesus was again walking with the crowd two blind men came to Jesus to be healed. Jesus asked them if they believed Jesus could remove their blindness. The men said, “Yes, Lord.”  Jesus touched their eyes and said, “Be it done to you according to your Faith.” Their eyes were then opened.

In both of these events, the key to being healed was Faith, Faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that without Faith it is impossible to please God. However, in what or whom does God want us to have Faith? The Bible says that God wants us to have Faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. 

The Bible says that Jesus is the living Word of God. Therefore we demonstrate our Faith by living our lives according to the Word of God, the Bible. Our Faith in Jesus should motivate us to do what Jesus tells us to do.

The Bible says that the righteous person shall live by Faith, Faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to Salvation.

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