In this daily Bible reading Jesus tells the Pharisees a parable about a king who was giving a wedding feast for his son. However, those who had been invited did not come to the feast. So, the king commanded that those who had not been invited should be brought to the feast. The wedding feast was then filled with the dinner guests. The king looked over the crowd and saw a man who was not properly dressed in wedding clothes. The king commanded that the king’s servants bind the man and cast him into the outer darkness.
This parable is a picture of God drawing people to believe in Jesus Christ. The originally invited guests are the Jews. But the Jews did not believe and rejected Jesus as their Messiah. So, God has drawn the non-Jewish population, those the Bible calls Gentiles, to believe in Jesus.
The Bible says that one cannot believe in Jesus unless God draws or calls them to believe. However, this calling does not guarantee entry into Heaven. The Bible says, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” A person must continue in their belief until they die. There will be many trials to test their belief. Some will fall away from their belief. The Bible says that we must ‘persevere to the end’ to be saved and allowed into Heaven.