In these passages, the Pharisees criticized Jesus for violating the Sabbath by doing work. The Sabbath was a day of no work or activity. Jesus was healing people on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees considered this to be work and therefore a sin.
The religion of the day was one of rules, regulations, and rituals. Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees that according to Scripture God desires compassion and not sacrifice. God is not interested in rituals. He wants hearts that are dedicated to Him. He wants people to show compassion to others.
The Bible says that all of God’s commandments can be summarized in two commandments: First, we are to love God with all of our heart, with all of our mind, with all of our strength, and with all of our soul. Secondly, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. God wants us to treat others with care and compassion. Moreover, He doesn’t care about which day we do that. Our character is more important than the external appearance of holiness.
Jesus called the Pharisees “whitewashed tombs.” They appeared to be holy on the outside, but they were dead on the inside. They were only interested in power and wealth and controlling the people. So, it is with much of religion today. The religious leaders hold people in bondage, and they grow wealthy with donations. We would be well advised to reject religion and be true followers of Jesus Christ.