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In this daily Bible reading Jesus tells the Jewish religious leaders a parable about a vineyard owner.  The vineyard owner had built the vineyard and wine making facility.  He then rented his vineyard to vine growers and went on a journey.

At harvest the vineyard owner sent one of his slaves to receive some of the produce.  However, the vineyard tenants beat the slave and sent him away empty handed.  So, the vineyard owner sent other slaves to get some of the produce.  The tenants beat them as well and even killed some of the slaves.  Finally, the vineyard owner sent his only son to get some of the produce.  The tenants reasoned that if they killed the owner’s only son, then they would inherit the vineyard.  So, they killed the vineyard owner’s only son.

This parable paints a picture of God establishing Israel in the land with blessings and prosperity; but Israel turned away from God.  So, God raised up Prophets to turn Israel back to God.  However, Israel did not listen to the Prophets.  They mistreated the Prophets and even killed some of them.

God then sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to the earth to turn Israel back to God.  However, Israel rejected Jesus and had Him killed.  Israel did not recognize or accept that Jesus is God’s Son, the Messiah, sent into the world to save them.  The Bible says that one day soon Jesus will return to the Earth.  This time Israel will believe in Him, and He will be their King.

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