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This Proverb says, “Buy truth, and do not sell it, get wisdom and instruction and understanding.” This Proverb speaks of things that have true value for our lives. They are far superior to material wealth, and they have enduring value.

This world is full of deception and lies because Satan is the spiritual ruler of the Earth. God has given him spiritual dominion over the Earth. The Bible says that Satan is the father of all lies. He leads people into sin using his deception and falsehood. Satan leads people down a path to eternal destruction.

Our only defense against Satan and his deception is to know the Truth. The Bible says that knowing the Truth will set us free from bondage to Satan’s deceit and sin. Once we know God’s Truth we gain understanding as to how to live our lives rightly before God. God then instructs us through His Word. He also grants us wisdom to apply His Truth.

You might ask, why did God give Satan dominion over the Earth? The answer is really quite simple. The Bible says that God is forming or establishing a population that will live with Him forever in Heaven. Those who God will allow into Heaven are those who resist Satan’s lies and deceptions and follow the Truth. To that end, God sent His son Jesus into the world to gain a people that would meet God’s criteria for entrance into Heaven.