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In this daily Bible reading is the account of the Holy Spirit descending upon the believers. and they began ‘speaking in tongues.’ They were speaking in other languages that were heard and understood by the masses.

This gave Peter an opportunity to share the gospel message with the diverse Jerusalem crowd which had assembled to hear the disciples. Peter converted about 3000 to believe in Jesus.

Jesus’ Church was then formed. The Bible says, “They were continually devoting themselves to the Apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.” I believe that this demonstrated the best format of the Church. It focused on God’s Word, fellowship, and prayer.

The church has since departed from this format, adding rites and rituals and holding people in bondage to religion. Mankind has distorted the Word of God with religion. Therefore, we should not rely on religion to be our source of Truth.  Rather, we must rely on the Word of God, the Bible.

The Bible says that true believers will worship God in ‘Spirit and in Truth.’ This is what I desire to do in my daily walk. I pray for God’s help in so doing.