In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem just days prior to His death on a Roman cross. Jesus entered Jerusalem mounted on a small donkey. He was accompanied by throngs of people who were praising Jesus, saying, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David.” It is most fascinating that only a few days later the same group of people turned against Jesus and called for his crucifixion.
The nation Israel had previously demonstrated its fickle nature when they turned from belief in God during the Exodus journey. Then, when they were established as a nation, they turned from worshiping God to worshiping idols. Many times God had punished Israel for turning from Him. Many times Israel returned to God.
Such is the nature of mankind. Mankind resists obeying God because mankind is prone to sin. Worshiping and obeying God requires giving up one’s sin. Mankind does not want to do this. Satan, who rules the world spiritually, helps mankind to justify their sins. Obeying God is not easy and requires effort. However, obeying God is necessary if we want live a fulfilled life and go to Heaven after we die.