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In this daily Bible reading Paul tells Timothy to be diligent in preaching God’s Word to the Church. Paul also says, “The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.” We see this today in the homosexual community. The Bible clearly says that performing homosexual acts is a sin against God. The Bible also says that those who practice homosexuality will not be allowed into Heaven. 

However, those who reject these truths intentionally misinterpret these biblical passages to affirm their lifestyle. The homosexual community has even formed their own churches to support their beliefs. Some churches have allowed practicing homosexuals to be ministers. The Episcopal Church is an example of this. 

Misinterpreting or rejecting God’s Truths will not make them go away. The Bible says that we must fight against our sins no matter how difficult it may be. If we are sincere in our efforts, God will help us.

Regarding homosexuals, it is not a sin to be a homosexual. Rather, it is a sin to do homosexual acts. Why is that a sin? It is a sin because it is contrary to what God commands of us. More importantly, performing homosexual acts does not glorify God.