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In this daily Bible reading John speaks of loving God. True believers love God. They walk according to God’s Commandments that are clearly stated in the Bible. John says the following regarding our love for God: “And this is love: That we walk according to His Commandments.” This is the only sure evidence that we love God. 

Our love for God is not evidenced by waving our hands over our heads in church on Sunday.  Our love is evidenced by our lives of demonstrated Faith in God as we live by His Word. The Bible says that all of God’s Commandments are summarized by the following two: 1.) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your soul.” 2.) “Love your neighbor as yourselves.” When we obey these commandments, our lives will provide evidence of our obedience. It will be visible to others. 

Following these commandments does not mean that we walk with religious arrogance.  Rather, we live humbly and selflessly with the Word of God providing guidance for us. We will do good deeds for others, but we will not brag about it. We will only be concerned with what God thinks, and we will not seek the praises of others. God will know if we love Him, and He will love us and bless us in return.