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In this daily Bible reading Paul tells the Corinthian Church that the Church is the body of Jesus. Each person in the body has a necessary function. The human body has various parts that serve various functions for the body: The ear for hearing, the nose for smelling, the mouth for speaking, etc.

The Bible says that when we become believers, the Holy Spirit of God bestows on us one or more spiritual gifts for the benefit of the Church. For example, some are given knowledge and some are given wisdom.  Additionally, some are giving the ability to distinguish between good and bad spirits.

All parts of a human body are essential for the good health of the body.  So too are the various spiritual gifts necessary for the good health of the Church. We in the Church, the collective body of Jesus Christ, are essential for the good health of the Church.

We all help each other to gain understanding of God’s Word and grow our Faith in Jesus Christ. I believe we each become aware of our spiritual gifts. It is our duty to use these gifts for the benefit of the church.