In these passages David acknowledges God’s lifelong blessings and guidance. David was aware of and relied on God’s help since David was a young boy. David first observed God’s help when David was a shepherd of his father’s sheep. With God’s help, David killed a lion while protecting the sheep. Later, with God’s help, David was able to kill the giant, Goliath.
Now, David was growing old and appealed to God to continue helping David as an old man. David said to God, “Even when I am old and gray, O Lord do not forsake me until I declare Thy strength to this generation.” David wanted to share his knowledge of God to the next generation.
The Bible says that we have a responsibility to share God’s word with our children and the younger generation. The world does not want us to do this. Satan, who is the spiritual ruler of the world, is continually trying to prevent this from happening. He has been a very effective. Most of the younger generation has not been taught about God’s Truths.
Therefore, we must have courage to speak God’s Truths to others. God’s Truths are not popular with world. So, we may be criticized by others. However, we must seek to please God rather than the world with our words.