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In this daily Bible reading is the account of a rich young man coming to Jesus and asking Jesus what he must do to obtain Eternal Life. Jesus told the man that he must keep the Commandments. The young man responded to Jesus that he obeyed all the Commandments. Jesus told him that if he wished to be complete he should sell all his possessions and give to the poor. Then, Jesus advised the young man to come and follow Jesus. The man was quite rich and could not depart from his riches, so he went away sad.

The Bible says that it is difficult for a rich man to enter Heaven for their heart is captured by their riches. The Bible says that we cannot love both God and money. We can love God or money. It is vitally important to our Salvation that we direct our hearts toward God. If we set our hearts on our possessions, we cannot set our hearts on God.

It is okay to be rich. However, we must have the attitude that losing our wealth will be okay if we have God in our lives. This is not to imply that being in poverty is good. There is a passage in the Bible that says, “Let me be neither too rich nor too poor. Nor let me be deceived.” We must hold what we have very loosely and let God determine the outcome. In all circumstances, we must put our Trust in God.

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