In this daily Bible reading Isaiah prophesies God’s future judgment upon both Egypt and Assyria during the end times or the ‘Great Tribulation.’ Both countries will be utterly destroyed. However, a few people who are faithful to God will survive.
Isaiah says that the few Egyptians who survive will erect a pillar to God. They will also construct a road to connect Egypt and Assyria. Israel will then be allied with both Egypt and Assyria. God said to Isaiah, “Blessed is Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands and Israel my inheritance.”
Assyria today is a modern day Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. All are descendants of Abraham. Israel descended from Abraham’s son Isaac. Assyria descended in large part from Abraham’s son Ishmael, whose mother was an Egyptian slave.
Evidently, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Iran will be unified during Jesus Millennial Kingdom. War will be removed, and all people will live in peace. Jesus will teach the masses how to live and conduct their affairs.
Satan will not be allowed to influence the masses. However the Bible indicates there will still be some who are not faithful to God. The Bible says that these will be ‘weeded out’ at the end of the 1000 years.