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In this daily Bible reading the writer speaks of the sacrificial system under the old covenant. In that system Priests would atone for sin by sacrificing animals. Once a year the High Priest would enter into the Holy of Holies where the ark of the covenant was located. This High Priest would take blood from sacrificed animals to offer for himself and the people. This process atoned for sins committed in ignorance. Intentional sins were not forgiven under the old covenant. 

For example, if a person committed murder, he would be put to death for his sin. The Law that God gave to Moses covered a large list of sins and the punishment to be inflicted for each sin. Intentional sins could not be forgiven under the old covenant. However, intentional sins can now be forgiven under God’s new covenant in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, there will still be consequences for sins while the person is alive. 

A person may become ill for sinning. A person may even die early for serious sin. They may live in misery, However, if they truly repent of the sins they have committed and believe in Jesus Christ, then their sins will be forgiven. Those who believe and trust in Jesus will be allowed into Heaven. They will live spiritually after they die, and their pain and suffering will end.