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In this daily Bible reading God carries Ezekiel to Jerusalem to witness the religious leaders of Judah worshiping idols. God wanted Ezekiel to see for himself the reason that God was about to destroy Jerusalem. God then directed an angel who was with Ezekiel to go throughout the city and place a mark on the foreheads of those who were still loyal to God: those who were expressing frustration and sorrow because of the people turning away from God to worship idols. The angel found none that were still loyal to God, except for Ezekiel. 

The same is true today. Very few people are dedicated to God and walk rightly before Him. The world is very corrupt and influential. The path of least resistance is to ‘go with the flow’ and to live according to the world’s values. Those who stand against the evil and corruption in the world are persecuted and ridiculed. This is very evident in America today. Christian symbols are forbidden in public places. School prayer is forbidden. Abortion is promoted. Homosexuality is promoted. Public schools cannot teach about God or Jesus, but they do teach evolution. 

To speak out against these evils will result in personal condemnation and ridicule. However, we must stand against evil to be saved from God’s judgment. It is not easy, but we must do that which is right and will lead us to Heaven.