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In this daily Bible reading is the account of God continuing to inflict Egypt with hardships so that Pharaoh would let Israel go. After each hardship, Pharaoh seemed inclined to let Israel go, but God would then harden Pharaoh’s heart so that Pharaoh would change his mind.

It is interesting that each hardship demonstrated God’s power over the demon gods of Egypt. Egypt worshiped many gods or demons. These were in the form of various animals and insects such as frogs and locusts. God caused Egypt to be overrun by frogs, gnats, and locusts. Egypt also worshiped the sun. God blocked out the sun, and a great darkness overcame the land. With each miracle, God demonstrated that He was more powerful than the demonic world that Egypt worshiped.

There is a significant truth of which we should all be aware. The Bible says that Satan is the spiritual ruler of this world. Satan has the power to influence people to turn from God. That is his goal. Believing in Jesus will lead us to Heaven, but Satan will try to turn us away from that belief.

Jesus said, “He who is within me is stronger than he who is in the world.” Jesus was referring to God’s Holy Spirit.  Followers of Jesus are given God’s Holy Spirit. God’s Holy Spirit is stronger than Satan. The Holy Spirit will sustain and protect believers if they choose to remain faithful to God and continue to believe in Jesus.

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